Credentials: MBBS (UM), MS Ortho (UM), CMIA (NIOSH)
Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery
Languages Spoken: English, Bahasa Malaysia
Day | AM | PM |
Tue | No Clinic | 2:00-5:00 |
With 13 years of experience in the Orthopaedic and Paediatric Orthopaedic field, Dr Nawar is a graduate of the University of Malaya, having consecutively obtained his MBBS and Masters in Orthopaedic Surgery in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He specializes in Traumatology Paediatric Orthopaedic, Children Fractures & Joint Injuries, Children Deformities (congenital & acquired), and Growth-Related Orthopaedic Disorders.
Prior to his current practice, Dr Nawar was a senior lecturer under the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Malaya. He has vast experience in delivering CME talks to groups with diverse backgrounds in various hospitals. He actively participates in quality improvement and accreditation programs such as Joint Commission International and Clinical Quality Assurance. Dr Nawar is also known for his humanitarian efforts in providing aid to various locations affected by calamities and war, such as Palestine and the Philippines. Additionally, he volunteers in performing operations on children with orthopaedic problems in Cambodia, Republic of Maldives, and several provinces in Indonesia. In 2007, Dr Nawar was among the top 10 finalists for the Malaysian National Astronaut Programme.
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